With AirScope MX you can work with multichannel air coupled transducers. Configurations between 4 and 8 Multiplexed channels are available.
These systems are suitable for non-contact transducers with a frequency range between 20 kHz and 2.5 MHz.
AirScope MX includes a flexible software to easily configure different air coupled techniques (Plate wave, TT, etc).
Main applications:
o Air-coupled NDT
o Positioning systems
o Acoustic Vision
o Lamb waves
o Structural Health Monitoring
The AirScope system has 4 physical multiplexed channels for emission (connectors) and 4 physical multiplexed channels for reception (connectors).
The user can program an acquisition sequence with up to 32 virtual channels, these virtual channels are defined assigning one connector for emission of the pulse and other connector for reception of the signal, and it is possible to share connectors between virtual channels.
The acquisition parameters are independent for each virtual channel (emitter connector, receiver connector, pulser parameters, average, filters, range, etc.)